Massage Therapy...

Take care of yourself...

Schedule a massage appointment today... 

(586) 530-8298

Benefits And Services Offered...

* Swedish Massage
* Sports Massage
* Reflexology
* Lymphatic Massage
* Full Body Massage
* Partial Massage (For Symptoms) 
* Combined Exercise & Massage
* Assisted Stretching
* Thai Massage
* Heat Treatments
* Cold Compresses & Ice Treatments
* Hydrotherapy 
* Stone Massage (Hot Or Cold)
* Skin Care
* Dry Brushing
* Body Peels & Wraps 
* Natural Remedies
* Aromatherapy Options
* Meditation & Breathing Exercises 
* Relaxing Music Choices 
* Quiet & Professional Atmosphere

How can a massage help you?...

Arrange for a free consultation and assessment to determine the best course of action to take... Find out which services are right for you...

Same day and emergency appointments can often be accommodated...

___Overall Health Maintenance
___Illness & Injury Prevention
___Pain Relief
___Reduce Chronic Symptoms
___Promote Faster Healing
___Decrease Muscle & Joint Stiffness 
___Increase Flexibility & Range Of Motion
___Reduce Muscle Tension & Cramping
___Improve Posture
___Increase Comfort During & After Pregnancy
___Women: Relieve Menstrual Symptoms
___Decrease Water & Fluid Retention
___Improve Lymphatic System
___Improve Work Performance
___Improve Sports Performance
___Pre-Exercise Preparation
___Post-Exercise Recovery
___Improve Body Image & Self Awareness
___Increase Energy Levels
___Promote Easier Breathing
___Increase Blood Circulation
___Improve Digestion
___Strengthen Immune System
___Increase Relaxation
___Reduce Stress & Anxiety